Help! I don’t own my buried propane tank!
2 min read
June 19, 2017

We’ve heard it a thousand times. A consumer decides they’d like to change propane suppliers and then, surprise! They find out that buried tank in the back yard doesn’t belong to them — it belongs to their propane supplier. What they’re usually surprised to find out is that they can’t change propane companies, until they either buy the tank (which most suppliers won’t agree to anyway) or pay to have the tank excavated.

Both options can cost hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. And the negotiation with the propane company can be very time consuming. Most people throw their hands up and decide to leave things alone, but this can also mean paying a very high premium for having another propane company’s tank in your backyard.

Here are some suggestions:

Open up the discussion

Discuss with your propane company why you’re unhappy and want to leave them. They might surprise you with a better offer, or some other way to keep your business. It’s always best to keep the conversation as friendly as possible to find a resolution.

Be fair, but firm

If you want the tank out of your yard, make that clear to the supplier. Ask them to provide you with all documentation of their ownership of the tank. Did they strike the deal with you or a previous homeowner? If you’re willing to buy the tank, let them know that. If you’re not, ask them what they need from you to get the tank off your property.

Time to dig

Finding a local company or contractor to excavate the tank will take time and money, but will be cheaper than buying the tank. It’s also not an idea your propane company will relish. It’s a lot of work to remove a tank, and the tank itself will likely need to be refurbished if it is going to be used again — something that will cost them more money.

If you demonstrate you’re willing to go to this extreme, your propane company may become more open to the idea of a sale of a tank. If not, make sure that the hit you’re taking on cost is worth it in propane cost savings.

Don’t make the same mistake again

Once you’ve gotten your freedom, make sure not to sign your life away on your next propane deal. For example, here at Tankfarm we provide members tanks at no cost, and there are no long-term obligation or lock-ins. Try to negotiate the same, or consider joining Tankfarm to make sure you have the freedom to change suppliers if you wish to.

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